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2. Mu‘āwiyah’s Rule

2. Mu‘āwiyah’s Rule

 Imam Husayn lived under the most difficult outward conditions of suppression and persecution. This was due to the fact that, first of all, religious laws and regulations had lost much of their weight and credit, and the edicts of the Umayyad government had gained complete authority and power. Secondly, Mu’āwiyah and his aides made use of every possible means to put aside and move out of the way the Ahlul Bayt of the Prophet and the Shi’ah, and thus obliterate the name of ‘AlÄ« and his family. And above all, Mu’āwiyah wanted to strengthen the basis of the caliphate of his son, Yazid, who because of his lack of principles and scruples was opposed by a large group of Muslims. Therefore, in order to quell all opposition, Mu’āwiyah had undertaken newer and more severe measures. By force and necessity Imam Husayn had to endure these days and to tolerate every kind of mental and spiritual agony and affliction from Mu’āwiyah and his aides—until in the middle of the year 60 A.H. Mu’āwiyah died and his son Yazid took his place.


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